In-situ quality process monitoring in Additive Manufacturing
An Open Science project collaboration between Trumpf GmbH and Politecnico di Milano
Open Data Description
Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes and technologies have experienced continuous growth in their adoption across a wide variety of industrial sectors. They have impacted, among other domains, the biomedical, aerospace, racing and automotive, oil and gas, tooling and molding, and creative industries. From a statistical process monitoring (SPM) perspective, the AM paradigm entails a layerwise production that enables the in-line and in-situ collection of a vast amount of signal data. These data can be used to determine process stability and to accelerate the detection of anomalies and defects during the manufacturing process.
The Open Science project focuses on in-situ anomaly detection in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) [1]. Among diverse sensing configurations that are available for this process, a very effective and largely studied configuration consists of using the optical path of the laser to measure the radiation emitted by the melt pool and its surroundings (Fig. 1). The melt pool is the region where the laser beam exposure melts the material, and it is known to be a primary feature of interest in any process that involves a beam-material interaction aimed at achieving a local melting of the material.
The Open Data is available to anyone is interested in working on real data for the study and development of in-situ monitoring solutions. Here below, you can find detailed information about the dataset and istructions about how to access the data.
This dataset has been designed to develop and test in-situ process monitoring solutions that can detect such anomalies as soon as possible while achieving the best compromise in terms of false positives and false negatives.
Please cite the dataset as follows:
“The dataset is part of an Open Data Science project between Trumpf GmbH and Politecnico di Milano and it is available at”.
[1] An illustrative video of the L-PBF process:
Marc Gronle, Frederik Schaal
TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Johann-Maus-Straße 2, 71254 Ditzingen, Germany,
Politecnico di Milano
Bianca Maria Colosimo, Marco Grasso, Emidio Granito
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Meccanica, Via La Masa, 1, 20156 Milano, Italy,
SAM PODCAST #4: Open Science in Additive Manufacturing, perspectives and opportunities for innovation and professional qualifications
About the podcast
In the 4th SAM podcast Dr. Marc Gronle from TRUMPF Germany provided insights on Open Science in Additive Manufacturing, perspectives and opportunities for innovation and professional qualifications.
The talk was moderated by Marco Grasso, from the Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
Listen to the podcast here:
Know more about the SAM Project here:
2021 QSR Open Data Challenge Competition
The Open Data made available by Trumpf and Politecnico di Milano is used for the 2021 QSR Open Data Challenge Competition. More information can be found here.